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I understand that not everyone who enjoys my work is in a position to buy my Art:


Maybe you are travelling,

Maybe you already have a fully furnished and decorated home,

or a Tiny Home with no wall space available,

Maybe you are in a rental property or assisted living facility and unable to place wall art,

Maybe you are getting ready to downsize,

Maybe it's not in your budget right now?

It's Ok!

















You can still help me share my passion for creating art by showing a friend or family member who might be interested my website or social media pages, by letting me know about any artist opportunities you think my art would be a good match for, liking and sharing work that speaks to you and/or sending messages of emotional support and encouragement.


If you prefer, you can financially support my artistic journey as a full-time creator through Patronage for as little as $1 through Buymeacoffee, link below. Right now, I have the opportunity to create a Studio Gallery in my remote local area and I am seeking funding to make it a reality. This Studio Gallery would enable myself and other local artists a place to Display our work, Practice our art, and Teach classes and workshops. This would create multiple income streams for local artists. I estimate $3-5K would cover bond, set up and a few months rent.


As an artist, I am deeply committed to capturing the beauty and essence of the world around us, whether through the lens of a camera or the strokes of a paintbrush. Through my work, I aim to evoke emotions, inspire imagination, and provoke thought. However, as with many creative pursuits, the path of an artist often presents financial challenges that can hinder the realization of our visions. Your patronage could make a profound difference in enabling me to dedicate more time and resources to honing my craft, exploring new techniques, and bringing my artistic visions to life.













By becoming a patron of my art, you would not only be supporting a partially disabled, local, female artist in a remote area; but also investing in the enrichment of our cultural landscape.


In return for your generous support, I am happy to offer various benefits, such as exclusive access to my latest works, invitations to private showings, or personalized behind the scenes stories and images.


Your patronage would not only provide vital financial assistance but also serve as a source of motivation and encouragement as I continue to pursue my artistic endeavors with passion and dedication.





















Buy Me a Coffee:

BuyMeACoffee is a platform designed to help creators receive support from their audience in the form of one-time payments or ongoing contributions through membership. BuyMeACoffee offers a straightforward way for creators to receive support from their fans and encourages a direct relationship between creators and their supporters. Unlike some other crowdfunding platforms, BuyMeACoffee doesn't charge platform fees on contributions. This means creators can keep a larger portion of the funds they receive, maximizing the impact of each contribution. BuyMeACoffee supports various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay, making it convenient for supporters to contribute using their preferred payment method.



You can donate via the well-known payment system that supports online money transfers with many currencies. PayPal allows users to make payments online without the need to disclose sensitive financial information for each transaction. PayPal employs advanced encryption and fraud detection tools to help keep users' financial information secure. PayPal is a convenient option for individual donations worldwide.​



Perfect for people that prefer to contribute in a concrete way with physical items.  You can purchase many of these items online and have shipped direct or locally. This list will be updated and changed as needs are met. Right now, I can use and would love to receive the following:



  • Canvas, wooden framed stretched canvas from 16 x 20 inches or Canvas roll


  • Mat Board and Simple Black metal glass fronted frames to fit Watercolor Paper 9 x 12 inches. These would allow me to display and sell my watercolor paintings in a Gallery style vs the current portfolio folder at Art's Markets.


  • Apple Ipad for Graphics Editing and using Adobe Creative Suite Applications


  • Adobe Illustrator computer program for Refining and Vectorizing images


Address for Gifts:

I'll receive your boxes and letters through our Rural Postal Agency at


43 Creek Art & Design

P.O. Box 477

Finland, MN, 55603


I am sincerely grateful for your consideration of this request and for being part of my special 'Patron of the Arts' family. Thank you for your time and support.

Kindest regards,

Kimberley of 43 Creek Art & Design

Art Store
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